
Monday, May 14, 2012

The Track Meet

I recently had my track meet, a fun event that surely everyone had fun at. The weather was super hot and from the moment I got there, I thought, how would I survive for this weather for about four hours? But, fortunately, I did.

Each person has three events in the track meet. My events were three-legged race, co-ed tug-of-war and hurdles. I think I tried my best on all of my events, but really, the track meet is just for fun and having fun with teamwork and getting exercise.

For three-legged race, my partner was TK. We have been practicing a whole lot and I think we did great even though we did not make it to the finals. We made it in 2nd place along with another partnership but the people in charge took in the other partnership that tied with us. But overall, I personally think we did awesome!

On my co-ed tug-of-war team, there was Wing, Joon, Soph, Jenni, E Thomas and me. We had three tries and for the first war, we lost but I still had courage. The good part was that we defeated the other team for our second try but we got beat for our last war. If you read my earlier post on the track meet last year, I think it's similar to that but we won last year because the other team didn't show up, but this year it's a bit different.

Hurdles! My heart was racing when the announcer called this event. There were only three hurdles per person. I didn't miss any hurdles and I jumped over all of them and I came in 3rd place so I didn't make it to the finals but I thought it was alright.

I loved this track meet and I hope there are many fun ones to come!

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