
Sunday, April 12, 2015

5 Ways To Conquer Your Stress

For me, at this time of year, I get stressed out because of so many events and finals/exams. Whether you are a student or an adult, you have most likely been stressed out before. Stress can lead to several health problems like headaches, pain, sleep/eating disorders, mood swings, and more. Aside from all that, everyone gets stressed. It is not necessarily a bad thing, but too much stress is unhealthy for your lifestyle. If your stress can get out of control or if you feel like it is affecting your life, I hope my tips help you out. Remember: not all these tips will work for you, because everyone is different and everyone has their ways of conquering their stress.

Exercising helps me all the time; in fact, it makes me happier. Although the thought of running for half an hour may seem horrible to you, different forms of exercising can motivate you, depending on what you like. For example, I hate running, but doing ab workouts like sit-ups and playing dancing games on my game console drives me to exercise more frequently, therefore, getting rid of my stress.

Another method I use to get rid of my stress is I write. I write whatever I have on my mind, whether it is three exams the next day, people who irritate me, or whatever. Sometimes, your best friend who listens can be an inanimate object, such as a journal. Writing can help you plan future events out, causing you to stress less.

Whenever I clean, I feel like I have my life together and everything just seems perfect. Cleaning is healthy for your body and your life. It can also increase productivity and helps you focus. Cleaning is also proven to be therapeutic for ones under stress. It may seem like a bore at first and you may even procrastinate, but trust me, once the cleaning is done, you will be proud of yourself and you will be much happier. 

Talk it out
If you aren't the journal type, talking it out helps tremendously. The best person to talk to should be someone who can listen and provide feedback. It can be a family member, friend, or parent. If you feel like it, talk to your pet! 

Do something you love
Take a break and do something you love! Draw, read, listen to music. Do something that will get your mind off of whatever you are stressing about. Don't overdo it, but for an hour, take a much needed break and relax. Afterwards, get your mind in productivity mode and do whatever needs to be done, and then reward yourself with another break! As for me, I love taking snack breaks or editing videos for a while.

Stress can be your worst enemy, but once you find your way to defeat your stress, you will be a happier person. Your overall health and well-being will be in good shape. And you can even help others take over their stress! I hope these tips helped you.

Do you have any ways to conquer your stress? Please let me know!

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