Picture source: weheartit.com |
- I always like to carry a water bottle around with me from class to class, because when I start coughing uncontrollably, it's usually because my throat is feeling dry and dehydrated. Water helps me so much! It feels relaxing to drink and soothes my throat.
- Cough drops work, but they aren't the best solution because cough drops and cold medicine are cough suppressants, so its relief won't last long and it'll only make you want to consume more cough drops/medicine. Obviously, I like to keep a few drops with me, but I try avoiding using them back-to-back. I use about two a day, but the last time I had a cold, I was forced to use them back-to-back, which I later learned wasn't that great for my health. I recommend Ricola over Halls, just because of its natural ingredients.
- Gargling with salt water is something I'm pretty sure you've heard before. The salt will kill the bacteria in your throat, so that you're left with less germs in your mouth. Of course, swallowing salt water will get you nowhere, so please avoid doing that. :) If I remember to gargle, I would do it once in the morning before I leave for school and once at night before bed, because that's when I start to cough more.
- One thing that seems to help me is drinking warm milk mixed with sugar and turmeric. Turmeric is a spice (grown in India) made from grinding curcumin roots. It prevents cancer, naturally disinfects cuts/burns, and has countless health benefits. It's super healthy...but I'll admit, this drink isn't my favorite in the world, but it helps tremendously! If you're not looking to calm a cold, using the spice and maybe some other spices, such as masala, on other vegetables and meat makes it a super delicious and healthy meal! I know this spice isn't found in many grocery stores, but I get my share of turmeric from India.
- My friend recommends drinking warm water mixed with honey, although I have never tried it, but this drink seemed to calm her cold down. Another drink I like to drink is spiced chai tea. My mother makes this for me, and she puts some extra cinnamon and spices to help my throat.
Thanks for reading,